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  1. South America 2024.10 Todos os mapas Principal e Adicionais Desbloqueados! JCV de Alta Resolução e Baixa Resolução magnet:?xt=urn:btih:c8a0e58fc2f9bc36f78bb1736baa8cbe8cffe7fa&xt=urn:btmh:1220836d9379e727ab02bdb7fdf125ad94e03af4fc31c213f3d8619766ccc58b26e0&dn=CNSA_2024.10.rar
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  2. For nuvi 57-58 HWID 2087 only Delete the GUPDATE.GCD you have in .System 1-Take a clean microSD and format it in FAT32 Copy my Garmin folder after unpacking it with winRAR, inside the microSD Turn off the Garmin, put the microSD back on and he'll crack After removing the microSD and you can put all the maps you want Always remember to use an IMG map before using the Gimgunlock release 04 New patch HWID 2087 version 4.60 Link---> P.S Para descobrir HWID, exemplo: Conecte o GPS Garmin ao PC e abra a pasta GarminDevice.xml como bloco de notas .txt Você verá uma linha com a seguinte informação:< PartNumber >006-B2087-00< /PartNumber >
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